When Other Things are Heard Speaking

Some can hear the sun speak because it is a living thing; the mythical people believed that all the things seen and unseen in the universe are living forces like the animal life forms on the earth. Do we know what life is? Is life narrowly defined only by what seems to move, breathe, expel waste, and eat; think of a device with biological organs created by humans. How is such a thing defined? Is it a living thing? What do scientific instruments detect? Could thought be built without a central system like the brain? Could chemicals of combinations create thought on a highly rational level? People in the mythical world had understood that to have a very narrow definition of what life is not, know that the word life can convey extensive terms meaning that even a machine with artificial intelligence or a being that is spiritual could be a form of life. This means that life is not necessarily physical but can only be measured by devices. The mythical people had known it of wisdom that understanding and classifying life is not based on what can survive in atmospheric conditions, like the grasses that grow in the fields and the organs of the body; that life could exist without physical existence and what is needed to keep it alive with physical sustenance. The wise ones had communicated with beings of energy and developed devices that had shared with beings of the ocean that resided there, not seen by the human eyes or senses.

A school of thought believed in Fine Tuned Intuition by conducting experiments to see if their intuition was accurate and if what they felt or heard was true without too much research or confirmation. Imagine if such a practitioner listened to a voice from an object, and they weren’t sure to believe it or not, and it was later confirmed. Imagine the practitioner was told through his or her intuition or an object that a stream and small pool existed in the mountains where no one went, and later it was found to be true. As more intuitions or voices from objects turn out to be accurate, the practitioner believes his or her feeling to be correct. Other schools of thought were dismissed as superstition, but a group developed technology proving this. However, this never convinced the different schools of thought. In the fantasy world, there were constant debates about this. Powerful forms of meditation aided with devices from a nether world or tiny dimensions developed by strange ancient people to house the machines. It has been said that the machines are operated by gears or energy and are not composed of anything material. In the mythical world, non-existence is defined as a way of thinking; it is a discipline of study, thought, experimenting, and philosophy, the non-existent builders of devices use their imagination, they think and design as if the parts of the non-material machine were forming together except they form into patterns that will eventually develop into a machine. When a person imagines something in existence like a machine, it operates the way it envisioned it. If the creator desires other people to access this machine, they are given a key. The key is not something physical; it is a thought key that only operates in the mind of the individual who has the key. Other devices and techniques can aid a communicator with an inanimate object. Many other communicators never use a machine because their minds are strong enough not to depend on such things that these practitioners seem to have great power.  However, some people rely on devices in the mythical world. They believe that these devices are aids that help them, and they think it would be better to use such devices no matter what.

Some confident mythical communicators live in silence to reach the feelings and words of an inanimate object. They also have a unique ability that transcends other communicators. Sometimes they would hear music and sounds created by nature that communicates in musical tones. The natural surroundings are always speaking with communicators. They are sometimes translators between people who are unable to understand the voices of nature.

There is another type of person that can speak with an invisible artificial guardian guide; it sometimes resembles a sphere cut away at the bottom, and there is a spheroid with tentacles. They follow the translator and report worldwide events and people’s thoughts and actions. These devices are a form of artificial intelligence, but some of them are part of the natural world. They are composed of organs like living things; they are constructed of living matter. These invisible guides float in the air, accompanying their human companion; this scholar communicator would be seen talking to himself as they were walking around, this would look strange to other bystanders, but it wouldn’t bother the scholar communicator.

There are people, mainly scholars who talk to inanimate objects; this is what they specialize in; remember, they are not priests or have anything to do with religious practices. It’s natural for them to communicate with things. They had become excellent aids to merchants when they were out on buying trips. The communicators advised them on the quality of an object by talking to that object. The inanimate objects know who they are; they can tell stories about themselves. This is what these communicators perceive from every inanimate object.

Thoughts that are written on paper contain certain personality voices. It doesn’t matter what material it’s written on or if they are conveyed with pen and ink, light using a pen that uses light to write, similar to a laser, or printed with a device. The point is there is a voice, not because of what is written on the surface; these are more profound thoughts of the writer or speaker’s true feelings that are revealed. Written words sometimes never show the true feelings of the writer. This is what communicators can see; they don’t have to know the writer or speaker, only the surface where words are written. There is so much beyond the physical world that certain people can venture into a more profound realm unseen by most people, and this is what some in the mythical world can know.

These scholars who communicate with inanimate objects had amassed knowledge beyond most average people.

Robert J. Matsunaga