Western Sea and its Wonders

What’s written here is not part of the story; it only describes what lies west of the Senetha villages. The Western Sea is far beyond the Senetha villages, towns, and small cities. It’s where strange things happen, where ruins are common, there are old abandoned villages, large transparent ships that remain motionless on the sea, then disappear to reappear again, there are other ships stranded and rusting, and there are many other exciting and strange things. There are tiny settlements along the cliffs and beach. There are rolls of dormant Sharzeen, some that look like monoliths, others resembling figures that don’t move unless brought to life. The small numbers of people near the shore live on fishing, processing salt from the ocean, and aqua farming. They get the things they need from trade with the Senetha and others.

Ships from the south had been known to sail along the shore, but they never stopped, and they shouldn’t be confused with the other vessels. The ships from the south are long and curved, the back has a tail that resembles a manatee, and the front is pointed and almost flat with windows. The ships have been mistaken for whales, great white sharks, and even sea monsters. Boats with sails come from the southwestern islands but are rarely seen. There are floating cities that fly around the shore, perhaps looking for trade.

The people that live along the seashore are independent; they make everything themselves and trade with solitary craftsmen and artisans of the villages and cities. But these are silent people. They never say much and keep to themselves. The Senetha rarely bothers with these people, but when someone is in danger, these solitary people will help give an injured person whatever is needed. The isolated people’s incredible generosity is unknown to most outside people, who wish to keep the charity from being known so they won’t be bothered.

There are lamps along the beaches; they are very different from the ones around and near the Senetha village and nothing like the ones in Sahaynaivium around Lothob’s and Cleiadompth’s dwellings. They are giant lamps with the power to shine their light into space. The lights once curved around the whole earth. The beams of light were distorted into any shape, but this was thousands of centuries ago, and the lamps have lost their power. Wild cats roam these beaches, and the giant lights and buildings are in ruins. Some people live in these lamps or use them for storage.