The Words of Another Reality

I write from imaginary worlds that don’t exist or never existed; I wonder if I’m not writing about another reality parallel to our own world with a different history, land masses, and cultures, but its earth, another one. There are magic and technology; things are created through the practitioner’s mind, whether a wizard or technologist; art, technology, spirituality, and mysticism are interrelated. A poet is a scientist and artist, which is common in these worlds; I define them as mythical worlds. Poets conjure visual poems through light sculpturing stories with their thoughts, like movies and 3d images. Technologists write and draw their projects on paper; then, the things appear in reality as solid, tangible objects that interact with the world.

Think of the land masses of that parallel world being the same, North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Still, the people differ in race, architecture, culture, languages, philosophies, and religions. The architecture is so alien that if we were to observe one of their cities, we would think we were on a distant planet, but it’s an alien-human parallel world. It might be a world where all written languages use pictorial symbolic or ideograms characters like Chinese, the alphabet is never used, or it was considered in the past now it’s not used anymore.

If someone in that world says they are a poet, it’s generally known that such a person is a scientist and artist. A poet can be a philosopher or a spiritualist; they play with toys of light in a playground like children. These poets like to think of themselves as children; play is considered a way of creating and developing new ways of thinking.

Language is also something to play with; people have hobbies where they invent new languages and experiment with telepathy. They use blocks of opaque glass that design unique characters, and the player puts them together to form words in new languages.

Depending on what region in the parallel or mythical world, there are new things to find. Designing such worlds in words is an exploration and journey deep into my mind; it’s like reaching and bringing something I never thought of before.

Robert J. Matsunaga