The Skies and the Worlds

The skies had always been known as a place to store knowledge and life; considered a free place compared to the land and the oceans, it had similar symbolism. Without a key, there’s no possible way to get into the sky or sea; it’s not a physical key; it requires what the key holder thinks in their mind; the key is built into the critical holder’s thoughts, with great concentration doors in the sky are opened, the key is an intricate device, precisely the right combination of views are required otherwise it wouldn’t work. Is it a physical key or not? It’s both; it works on the principle of paradox; imagine the key in a combination of words, thoughts, and images, into a vertical pool of water, is suspended in the air, a physical key of light could form and be inserted into the water to open the storage of things. The weather master opens the doors to the sky; that’s another form of the key; it’s the combination of sun, rain, and cloud formation that has to be in the suitable condition and circumstances to open the sky. Thoughts can open other doors, and hand gestures are also keys, even the stirring of water or doing something with the soil could open things in the sky and ocean.

Are people still making storage places in the sky and ocean? Where are the storages from, the many centuries that it existed? Where did the sky storage exist for the many centuries that it existed?

The answers to this are that unlocking keys is not as easy as when they first came into people’s consciousness; as they continued to store their items, recalling the words became easier than when they first kept them. When they first started creating them, they were made or natural. There had been pockets of reality, a place away from the real world as defined by the masses and not by the individual. Storing things is (in) another fact; that’s what it was named. Thoughts, feelings, words, and anything from the human thought long absent in mind is retrieved, a bank of thoughts written upon, stored, in the periods, it becomes part of a library. Everything is stored, abstract ideas, emotions, concepts, physical receptacles of knowledge, books recording instruments. Inanimate objects that are alive, everything in the universe with a soul, some called it god, enlightenment, all souls, none of the human terms described it because it was different for all peoples. People who stored things or came across them for the first time had no comprehension of what it was, what the sky storage was had no actual definition, a person’s first impression was what it was, and other people had their valid meaning. Sky storage is everything. If it wasn’t believed in, that was also valid; then it didn’t exist; there is no point in proving whether these storages exist. Validity and proof weren’t necessary.

The sky spoke through the minds of people who were willing to listen. The changes of weather, words never perceived heard from the thunder, perhaps felt by those who wished to attend, the light created by lightning, the filtering of sunlight. The sky’s thoughts and voices differ for each person; one individual will not have the same interpretation of the sky storage. The phenomenon of weather instructs them where to store their belongings. This sky concept is a way of saying that each writer has their way of saying something about the world; they ask unique questions according to their lives and path. The sky speaks to each person in their impressive capacity.

In what way are physical objects brought into the sky storage? Wherever the thing is, a door of light or water appears, the object floats into an open orifice then it closes. Such a door, if it could be called one, appears in mid-air or a solid object. People entered the storage and discovered it was a place of neutrality; feelings, thoughts, ideas, concepts, or material things didn’t exist. In what way does the storage incorporate items, whether celestial, material, or abstract, stored there? They have to be thought of, too, exist.

Once whatever is put into the storage, it’s forever unless the owner decides to take that thing out of it. Are there possibilities of the physical laws of that world distorting the objects physically? Such a world never distorts stored objects, thoughts, feelings, or emotions. If several people can enter the storage, can they take (steal) things belonging to another? Every repository is an individual existing in a person’s thoughts; none enters unless the key is given; the owner can change their thoughts; at random, words are the key, and it goes through a cycle of change that enters the owner’s thoughts automatically.

As some people wish to escape from the world, they want to reside in the place of vast storages of food, things, and thoughts; it transforms into a world of their own for a personal whim. In the mythical world, there is no law against this. The problem is that they could emerge in the actual world years in the future. Thus, the world they had known vanished years before. Despite the hazards, many wish to live in their storage until they pass away from existence. Individuals with family problems escape to the storage, never returning, they are never found, and the sky storage is kept secret. The authorities will never attempt to search for anyone; these people find refuge there because they can’t be found.

Special sky storages are connected to unique people’s libraries and art studios. There are eccentric librarians and artists. They search the universe for their material. Reference material comes to storage from places never known. At times they will live between the sky storage and the real world.

Organized groups of people salvage old sky storage. They are actually celestial beings who clean up other realities; they don’t have physical bodies but resemble pulsating stars with incredible energy. The warehouses where thoughts, feelings, and material things are later transformed into energy and renewed for other cycles of creating new sky storages. As a result, much of the knowledge and experience of the previous owners is lost to oblivion.

Robert J. Matsunaga