The Prison of the Light

In the world of the mythology of my creation light can be imprisoned; the morning is dangerous because it blinds people, like a black hole it’s a prison where light can’t escape, this says the light is a living thing in a world of fantasy.

These lights weren’t fireflies or any other creature that had elements of phosphorus; the floating traveling or fast-moving lights were animals that were made entirely of light. They have the power to spread their light or contain it; they can produce any color.

People tried to trap them like animals to contain them in lamps of their homes; many would escape. Some of the lights could turn large; they blinded the trapper, so it was dangerous to trap them.

The lights had a natural attraction to children and people who would not harm them.

Only cages of darkness could perhaps keep these lights permanent prisoners; the cells resembled a fish-like thing with large glowing eyes; they gulp up the sunshine, adding a trapper that was hunting the light in the process.

The lights are an exciting part of society. They enhance life with danger and beauty.

Robert J. Matsunaga