The Origin of the Mythical Worlds

When creating a mythical world, there is a need for me to know some history, art, and the society I live in; nothing can be made without reference to real life; observing life and living it is like an artist using their sketchbook to draw from nature and manmade objects to use as a reference for future work.

A mythical world can be anything you wish it to be; to create such a world requires me to open up my mind and believe anything is possible. People always say certain things can’t be done because no one has done it that way, there is a prevailing standard, or some cultural tradition interferes. I disregard what is said and do what I feel is essential to my writing. So I gradually built a mythical world and tried to create as much detail about that culture or legendary period as possible. The imagination is free without restraints from other things that have been written before.

I asked the question, “What if,” what if there was a society that worshiped or respected light? Think about a highly advanced, economically robust, and militarily powerful community that never imposes its culture on others; they leave people alone. What if world history went in a different direction? I asked many questions to try to keep a child’s curiosity; in this way, I let my imagination travel without limits.

Almost every society has created myths, and their stories are beautiful. The point is to know as much about the world’s mythology as possible, but there is a time to leave this behind and not be influenced to create something I wish to build.

The mythical world I’m building has origins that go back twenty-five million years; sometimes, it’s a legendary past, then some records seem factual, but this is up for debate among historians. Some say that the mythical people such as the Senetha or Honazal came from another plane of existence which could be the world we live in or an artificial universe. Or they could have developed on the earth of that other plane of existence. Anything can be said in building a mythical world; everything should be thought of because anything is possible.

The mythical people live in a world where highly advanced civilizations preceded them, they know about these civilizations, not mythological but actual history, yet some of that history is lost. Anything can be written into it; there is a reference to account, societies around the world, and the arts; I limit that influence when I’m writing because I want to be free when I create stories; I don’t wish to be hampered by too many things, there are too many restrictions from so-called facts of stuff in our world, I try my best to let imagination run to infinity, in other words without barriers.

The society I create has to be alive and true to my mind then I can start to write about some world; I have to think a lot, and at other times concepts come like a flood; new age and meditation music inspires me.