The Lamps that Light the Way

There are spherical lamps suspended on things that resemble a spider web, one web has several spheres of different sizes in different colors. These lamps are built on the side of roads that lead to other villages and towns. The lamps are never tarnished with age, they have continued in service for hundreds of years. The lights are never, damaged by elements; they self repair themselves, they emit their own energy from their own power source. Actually they are an artificial life form capable of thought at a low level of intelligence. They have become important to the people of the Senetha village, the lamps are what identifies that particular village, they have always been the symbol of the people. There are interesting streetlights that gracefully curve and tower above vehicles and pedestrians as they travel along the road to their destinations at night. When the streetlights light up at night some of the light they emit were either hazy or very clear depending on the location. At nearby dwellings the intensity of the light was low, and out beyond habitation it was very intense. Yet when large numbers of people walked by, the light would get brighter, then once they were gone they would go back to being dim again. There are no sensors that controls these lights and they are not bulbs of any type and the lighting globs have never been changed for centuries. These lamps are also alive.

Lamps are symbols of education, they can educate the young, the light that is emitted can speak not in a physical voice but through the mind of the student, it becomes their teacher.

There are living lamps that exist from previous civilizations that thrived long before Cashmakil. It was said that these are not artificial life forms, they are beings that existed somewhere else, and where this elsewhere nobody knows. Some surmised in another dimension that these lamps journeyed to this dimension when theirs began to die or they were put there by someone of intelligent forces. These lamps are tall and sort of cylindrical with a head that lights up. These heads are strange in form, the head actually transforms from one shape to another. These lamps are not made of any kind of metal, plastic, wood or stone. When touched, the texture of the lamps feel somewhat like metal, plastic or stone depending on the season, hour, minute, day, month or year. Then somehow the lamps become non-material when touched, ones hand that goes through the lamp as if it was an apparition, but at the same time, a tingly feeling goes throughout the body as if a mild electrical current is going through it.

The Senetha use lamps as a metaphoric aid in spiritual contemplation. The lamp represents the embracement of all life by the sun that makes life on earth possible. Some people have been known to stare into lamps, but the light never blinds them. The filters in the lamp emits a hazy light, yet an actual image of the sun can be seen. The lamp is like a telescope and projector where the image of the sun is observed but never hurts the eyes.

Lamps have many symbolic functions for the Senetha, one metaphor is to light the path through the darkness. Another is the birth of life and things, to light peoples way to clear away uninformed thoughts, so that they can see all things. The main point of this philosophy is that individuals continue searching all their lives for all things so they can become well rounded. There are other symbolic functions that the lamps have that are not mentioned here.

There are lamps that can read or indicate what a persons mind is all about, they can even read their spiritual abilities. Lamps were used to indicate a child’s ability to learn certain things, this practice was discontinued, because the later Senetha generations believed that this was a discriminatory practice.

A giant lamp remains suspended in the air without any device to keep aloft. Long ago there was a craftsperson that built this lamp, he built several, scattered across the land to light the pathway to travelers on foot, horseback, vehicles and things flying in the air. His little daughter died while traveling alone at night to a friends house, the man had built these lamps. The techniques for building such lamps were lost, but rumors say his plans are hidden somewhere. Was this story true? Some debate this, they explain it as people who built it long before any civilization. This lamp is at the center of the Senetha village, when out of doors it can be very bright or at other times dim, the light doesn’t bother people in their homes because they can’t see it.

In Sahaynaivium there were lamps in the forest that were living and were also there from ancient civilization.