The Circular Storms of Chaos

A circular storm resembles a comet that is circular, its two sides traveling in opposite directions in a circular motion, constantly colliding with high energy. The center of the storm resembles a sphere with great oscillating power; its appearance at times is star-like; wherever the storm travels, it brings chaos. The battery reaches the visual metaphor of Yin and Yang, each part of the storm in conflict. This is not an unusual storm in the mythical world, and it’s familiar. This storm changed the landscape of the legendary lands, forced people to evacuate from their homes, and took lives. This forced builders and architects to design new buildings that could withstand the storms. Some buildings appear flimsy as if a slight wind can knock them down; imagine the massive circular storm tearing everything apart. The buildings were made of the solid construction of a Sign that resembled plastic. The material would glow as if it was enforced by substantial light energy. It was once constructed into the shape that was needed for living. It could change shape to modify the effects of the storm; the outer interior rooms of the buildings changed shape to accommodate the force of the batteries. This inner room is where the home dweller lives. This room never changes; it remains a cube or sphere no matter what changes on the outside. Furniture and other accessories never change their shape unless designed for change. Why has the inner always maintained a cubical shape? Because that was considered the best shape to accommodate people’s lives in a structure, other shapes were considered a dome, sphere, or pyramid. When circular storms came in the past, they were considered a part of nature; at different times, the storm was dreaded; the reason for this, over the centuries, storm became more intense and deadlier. The battery was composed of a robust solid light that could create massive destruction; this light could become reliable as a steel wall, in another moment, as pliable as jelly. Other inner workings of the storm seemed to look like opaque electrical branches of lightning that resembled tree branches that seemed to crawl all around the swirling light. This type of storm wasn’t composed of atmospheric water, only light. There were no water clouds. It was only composed of light and heated plasma. Although there was plasma, certain storm areas were cold, several degrees below zero. In some areas of the storm, it seems dark. There is a gradation from light to dark. This dark area is a negative light that appears to be a stunning black, but this black seems to glow. The black looks pretty bright against a light morning sky on a bright day

What changes had the storms made to the world? The storms created wide furrows in the ground, thus swallowing the villages, towns, and cities, which were decimated. Old forests were lifted out of the earth, leaving roots exposed, the trees rotted away, and seedlings and saplings found their way into the open air. eventually, a new forest of more fantastic beauty grew in its place. This had been a natural part of the mythical world. In a way, the storm was similar to the storms of Jupiter, except there were no clouds or light of varying colors and thicknesses. As the circular storm’s first phase brought rain and colorful rainbow-strewn skies, children played in the water puddles created by the raindrops. This type of storm was not the only one to get rain. Regular overcast clouds often brought rain. Circular storms were things to be wondered about, respected, and embraced; this was something that couldn’t be avoided; it came, and they destroyed and brought life. Some parts of the earth in the mythical world had been turned into a zone resembling Jupiter’s swirling clouds; life ceased in those regions for a time, perhaps never to return for centuries. Some people had lived in such dread of these multi-hued storms that their clothing reflected a bias against anything colorful; as a result, black, dark brown, faded red, dark blue, and green were the fashion norm. Colorful things represented death and depression. When their children died, they were wrapped in bright striped cloth as symbols of death. Remember, not everyone dreaded color in the mythical world. Only particular tribes practiced this. Most fashioned themselves in paint.

At times the circular storms caused insanity in people’s minds. It was assumed that the destruction of their homes, and the loss of family and friends, caused so much pain. This was one of the causes; something about the storm made people’s minds believe in a strange thing. Perhaps the storm itself was controlling their thoughts. This is why the circular storm was called the storm of the mind.

The circular storm brings water that is needed. The central or most significant circular storm is not the only one to carry water; smaller storms follow it around. Each one off at a distance from the main battery, fertilizing most of the plains and forests. There was some unfounded rumor that the storms were made by a skilled earthmover, a skilled engineer-scholar-scientist-technologist, who could create natural storm systems. The batteries had been around before the human race existed in the mythical world.

Circular storm is a word that describes the storm, but many batteries are not always circular. Some are half-circular in form. Some resemble an almost oblong shape. Other observations had reported a perfectly flat plane.

The storm, at times, remained quiet and stationary. This meant that the circular energy was almost motionless sometimes it would stay this way for days and then resume its frenetic energy.

Robert J. Matsunaga