Natures Intelligence

There are people in the mythical fantasy world that defines natural phenomena intelligence. In our world, we might call them gods or deities. But in the mythical, there were people who were able to control the elements of the physical world. They use their minds and hidden devices to manipulate the weather, change the shape of physical objects. These were people that had nothing to do with magic, but they had a rapport with deities, but these people weren’t able to completely control them, only partially, because the deities had their own minds and they were more powerful, remember there was nothing religious or special about these people. The deities seemed to see something in these people they wished to use, thus the deities made an alliance with them, but remember the people who wielded these special powers had to answer to the deities, it wasn’t something they retained permanently, it could be taken away at any time, the result of abuse.

It was commonly believed by the people of the mythical world that natural phenomena were life forms, an example, the weather because it was unpredictable despite scholarly analysis and study. The light was another thing that was considered a living thing with great intelligence. Some of this might sound superstitious, but many of the inhabitants of the imaginary lands of the mythical world had seen people commune with the elements of nature.

Most of the people in the mythical world believed that things were considered intelligent, what does it mean intelligence? People believed that things have thoughts. And that is what they are called, the forces of nature, but the powers they acquired from the deities were not always permanent, the strange deities gave the powers to them. They are not the same as the scholars or Aura-Laei-I who possess permanent powers, which they were born with. What might be asked, are people who get such powers, do they have to do something in return for the power that is given to them by the deities? Some of the deities don’t expect anything in return, but others do, and if they don’t repay the deity they become their slaves. The things of nature could protect some of the people from a deities promise, and sometimes there is a battle between the two natural forces. An indication of a battle is a rumbling in the earth and a storm. They are the voices that resonate in the sky from the deity and things of nature.

The deity has no human form, at times they might take human form, they look something like an abstract painting, forms of light and colors, the deities could form into trees, rocks or maybe a bird.

The only evidence that the deities exist is in the minds of the people who are able to talk with them. People who claim this was considered crazy. These people try to find the deities, and they try to speak with them, and if they are honest with themselves they hear nothing.

There are individuals who never seek out the deities, but thoughts and feelings come to them, they find and realize they can speak with natural things. How do they know that someone it’s talking to them? Because the thoughts they were receiving were not something they considered or thought about. They learned to observe the things of nature and understood it and talked with it through their own individual beliefs.

People in the mythical world learned to talk with nature, not all they succeeded, but they knew that nature speaks to people through their hearts and mind in their own personal ways.

Robert J. Matsunaga