My Writing Inspiration

What if there was a world that was different from ours but had similar technology similar to ours, or perhaps something quite different, probably I was always interested in the exotic. I wanted to create a world of my own to be close to the people, to feel that they are my friends. I believe that a writer should never lose their childhood, it should always be there, this is what creates people and places that I wish to step into and become part of these worlds in order to write these stories. Even if another culture invented similar technology or things, it wouldn’t be the same, the development would be quite different, this is what I thought about. What would another culture be like that had something similar to radio communication, self-moving vehicles, aircraft or anything else in our so-called modern world. These people would never wear neckties and suits they would never dress anything like us, their homes would be different or even their government. They are human, but not Caucasian, Asian, African, Middle Eastern, or the people of Latin America. They are a race and culture of themselves.

It is difficult to develop such a people, there are a lot of dead ends, but also open paths to write about such a people.

Much of the fantasy was set in a medieval world; I naturally imagined something different and tried to think about such a people and place. There was one book the Wizard of Oz, which was set in a modern world. But I wanted something different from this; creating such a thing takes experimentation and challenges if The Public would find such a story interesting or appealing? Experimentation in the arts is never easy, but it never gets easy with the next book. I’m never tried to be different on purpose it’s just in me to think about all things in a different way. There’s often a lot of fear within me nagging at me what people would think about my work and path in life but this is not important. I have to be who I am and not someone else with my own path that is set out for me. I’ve always had loneliness deep within me, I have yearned for imaginary to people to interact with and this is part of the many reasons for writing this story.

What I tried to convey in the story was change, everything changes, is evolving, look into history, languages have evolved, what people wore, dynasties, some nations have disappeared, we as individuals are changing. Society around us is changing. There are people who are attached too much to the past but things are changing all around them.

I’m interested in creating alternatives to Western civilization, which built itself on the basic foundations of other civilizations. No civilization is an island by itself. Imagine a high civilization with more advanced technology than the present one we have, yet they live in a basic way, they still walk on foot and ride horses, this doesn’t mean that they can’t develop a car. They have the knowledge but choose not to use it, the same for atomic weapons. The people in the story called the Senetha have such knowledge but they never build such things. The Senetha have vast streets constructed of a type of material resembling glass, ceramic and steel, yet their unpaved paths keep true to nature and the natural soil. There are dwelling made of impenetrable ceramic, and if the Senetha engineers wished to construct towers reaching above the atmosphere, however they don’t, others live in structures of some stone, mainly wood with bracketed frames similar to those used traditionally used in Japan, Korea and China such construction withstanding earthquakes, with thatched roofs, tile or wood. There are other structures of water or light. The way they have been developed, nothing can get through not even an explosive missile or as the Senetha call them arrows of fire.

Because certain things are absent from a civilization, this doesn’t mean that such technology was never used. When I was taking art history classes in college the instructor showed us examples of African art and that they could represent a very realistic sculptural portrait. If ever they choose not to portray realistic faces, instead they stylize them somewhat abstract them from nature. He said that every culture can represent very naturalistic things from nature but they don’t want to.
I’m trying to convey there are many ways to technological or almost technological in terms of splitting the atom, creating self-moving vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft and everything else.

I had a conversation with someone that if our civilization was destroyed by nuclear disaster, natural or anything else, if we started all over again and developed again in a similar way that so-called 20th or 21st century wouldn’t look anything like the one we have now, it would be very different the clothes, language, structures, the design of automobiles, the design of aircraft obeys certain aerodynamic principles, yet such a civilization may find a way around this developing different ways of propulsion, electromagnetic drive, a flying-saucer or something else, I don’t think there is anything truly impossible only for the present moment. This person agreed. She also said that there could have been a highly technological civilization before ours, it could have been destroyed, practically everyone knows the story of Atlantis.
It’s just simply fun to create a world of my own.