Clouds a Place to Rise Up to

Peering up at the clouds could scatter one’s thoughts onto a broad expanse of time and place, and one’s opinions become so vast that nothing can contain them. Through imagination, if one is to live in the sky, nothing should make one narrow-minded; it’s as if the mind had been released from prison. Looking up at the sky is a meditation that calms the fear and anxiety and perhaps heals the bad memories of the past. Recall the glow of lightning, the seeming intensity of a new life that this implies, that glows against the dark rain clouds. The storm is like a renewal of the world; change is part of the universe. Another word for nature is the whole of revealed existence; maybe what some people define as god or gods could be another name that could be imagined: the wandering spirit. There are so many interpretations of what the sky and clouds convey that all these destinations are equally valid. There are no limitations on what one could call the sky; one’s imagination is the limit, the gateway to space, a gateway to the universe, the calm of darkness, a multitude of things that are observed, the possibility of everything—seen through as skylight, through a window, looking at the sky through a structure with very tall pillars holding a flat sun face with a round circular opening from the ground seeing the clouds pass by. Trying to imagine one is somewhere else. Perceiving the sky from a structure is nourishment for the imagination. Think of a tall high-rise building in the late afternoon against a cloudless blue sky, the sun giving a reddish-orange tone. Anything can be continued from this; the imagination is the limit. Anything is possible to imagine with the sky. It’s like a blank piece of paper; one’s imagination draws things across the sky with an imaginary pencil.

Peer into the night sky in an astronomical observatory; perhaps there is a feeling of being in the infinite. An old Art Deco observatory on a hot night, the surrounding place seems to have a blue star. There’s silence in a sky with stars, the Milky Way dense and bright. It’s a dream, or it looks like one.

Dreams are everywhere as the sky is a canvas; the sky becomes a dream when one is asleep. There seems that purity with a morning sky; it’s as if it’s the beginning of everything. In the sky, there can be a sense of rebirth why; imagine after a rain or a terrible storm, the atmosphere seems cleaned out, almost pure; there might be a sense of well-being, a change that will happen in one’s life. Every individual has thoughts when observing the sky; all these observations are valid and robust.

As clouds drift in the sky, similar to our lives, there are times when the clouds become dark and gray, then the periods after storms, a sort of renewal of events and things, the sun brings a blue sky with some clouds. Then starts over again. What does the atmosphere say during twilight, when the evening is almost there? The blue cast of the world, the imaginative world, and philosophies are created by observing the fading dark sky into the morning. Anything is possible to imagine with a changing atmosphere.

Imagine a partial foreground of a tree and an utterly blue sky with a cube turning in the sky. That might be something exciting.

Observing mountains and clouds hanging about them gives a sense of well-being.

Observing and finding what is seen in the sky bring one’s imaginative feelings when viewing the sky see things that others don’t see and wonder; this is a journey to one’s world.

Robert J. Matsunaga