Clocks are Dreaming

Round-shaped clocks just silently hovered there in the sky, people saw them in their dreams, and some were real. Put up there by the ones with magical powers; for their amusement, the clocks were telling time in the sky. What was questioned by many people was whether the watches were there. It was said that people saw the clocks in their way, meaning they saw what others didn’t see. When people wished to know the time in the regions they resided in, they would see that time; if they desired to see time on another continent, they would have seen that hour. The clocks that were observed were not always the traditional clock face; it might have been the color of the sky as the morning was symbolized by golden, afternoon as orange, evening light-bluish-gray and night was represented by a deep bright blue, the gradations from morning to noon blended of gold and orange.

Some people said they dreamed of timekeeping devices that regulated their dreams; probably, the horologists of the mountains had put them in there to let them know their lives were controlled by time. Some clocks had set themselves in a dreamer’s world, they seemed to be clocked with a living soul, and these clocks were hidden in the islands in the sky. The priest wizards controlled time with their powers, the horologist of the mountains worked for them, and they maintained the timekeepers of all forms, including nature itself.

People existed who had stolen time from the priest wizards created and regulated their time reality and dreams, which had developed into a faction opposed to the priests. The stolen time people became the Regulators of Time; then, in a later period, they split off to be called the Workers of the Clock. Gradually more groups came into existence.