Behind the Waterfall of Forgetful Cities

A waterfall exists in a valley with mountainous walking paths many thousands of feet high; people who attempted to climb them always fell or were lost, never to come back. Only the initiated people whose ancient ancestors found their way into the valley could navigate the complicated passageways and deadly trails. The waterfall drops thousands of feet with a powerful rush of water that destroys it. Behind this waterfall are other less powerful but dangerous; several of them must be passed through with secretive paths. A jewel exists behind the deadly curtains of water; it’s a city of soft light structures that glows within without electricity. They are soft to the touch, similar to gelatin, but stronger than anything, almost impossible to penetrate. What is being said here is the buildings are constructed with a transparent material that resembles gelatin but never glass, and there is a bright-hued inner structure of fantastic shapes. Where are their various overlapping waterfalls for protection against unwanted intruders? Perhaps yes or no, the waterfall was built for aesthetics, or people liked being there. Sharp and slippery rocks were added to protect against intruders around the waterfall area as it constantly rained. The pools and the rivers where the falls dropped into had undertows places that sucked a swimmer downward into the depths. Whirlpools were everywhere, a swimmer had to know where to swim, and many locals knew. Were the eddies put here for protection? Few people who had the chance to visit the falls claim they were natural. They said the thoughts of the people brought people who were unwanted to their deaths; that was possible because there were natural formations that weren’t there before. To all outsiders, the people in the cities were dangerous. Perhaps they didn’t need an army to defend them when the natural forces were like a weapon.

Around the falls were beautiful areas of moss that grew in abundance; the moss was puffy and incredibly soft to the touch. Alongside the moss were thick areas of ferns, the foliage of many species, mushrooms, toadstools, and flowers of bewildering varieties. Some of the black rocks indicate volcanic origins; pebbles were on the pool’s shore. There was always a sense of serenity because it’s rare to find people there, the people within the city stay where they are, rarely venturing near or outside the waterfall. Then the question was asked how the people of the towns traded with other nations did? The aerial people visited them, bringing all kinds of things needed for daily life. The people of the waterfall city had the power of flight; they traveled in cubes that could go anywhere. These cubes were composed of water. There’s an inner part where the pilot sits to control the cube with the mind. Of course, there are much larger cubes called ocean cubes that are the size of cities sent out, for what reason is not too well known to outsiders. The city has vast areas of land where things are grown and made. The town is self-sufficient. A circular pool surrounds the city, it’s intense, and there are places to live under the water. The water in the town leads to the outside rear of the waterfalls; it’s one way to get out of the city. A controlled capsule direction is put through a water tunnel that leads to the other side.

Near the waterfall are vast places of heavily forested valleys where unique life forms are protected by the city people and those living nearby. There are hundreds of waterfalls and rivers with currents that have currents that could suddenly become like a current or tsunami. That’s a defense mechanism that protects against intruders. There are many buildings above the waterfalls, probably for observation, but there might be a city. There are passenger ways from the high places above the cascade that leads down to the towns inside; this passageway might have been used to bring supplies from the aerial cities that they traded with. Not all collections came from the air others came through the halls around the waterfalls and from underwater passages.

The main waterfall glowed, it was safe to drink, there were no chemicals, and it was and is the purest water; it’s interesting to know the water powers the city and the devices are powered by it. Not in the sense of a water wheel; the water itself has an energy not found anywhere else. There could be a way to control such water to make it power things. The people used secretive skills; was this a technological development? Or perhaps the water is naturally that way. Water is death to people who don’t know the waterfall; the water is alive, and the people who control the waters speak with it, and it has the power to destroy. The water holds the people in the city, meaning that it is the mother of the people; could this be their true overlord? ever by the ruler. The city has a chief and council. Leaders had been known to sit near the waters when it’s quiet and calm, concepts come to them, and they are implemented by the commission if accepted.

Higher in the mountains around the waterfall, there are hot springs where people go to bathe, clean, and relax. Another thing that is done is the contemplation of what is to be created; people of many endeavors go to discover what can be brought to reality. To some people, the hot springs have a spiritual quality; they claim to commune with what is inside them, finding what to create. Life forms exist that live around the heated water, and inside, some animals come to warm themselves; an area revered for humans exists, pools kept by surrounding stone or natural rock formations. Where? Deep inside the mountains, pools of hot springs exist, and there is a city on the surface and some structures under the water. The water is also used for cooking and medicinal purposes. It’s good to observe the glowing warm waters, an inner green glow that seems to impart knowledge to people, a pool of wisdom with no human competition.

The pools are where food grows, water plants, and fish are cared for by fish farmers. Certain fish species must be separated in the same collection; some spheres and cubes contain those species. Food is given to the fish through tubes that automatically connect to the spheres and cubes without creating an entranceway for aggressive species. There are pool developers who care for them and find innovative ways to improve the pools.

In the mountainous areas are terraces and levels of pools for various functions. The upper decks are used to keep certain aquatic animals, and other lower ones for aquatic plants; they could be used for anything. Pool terraces are so large that they have towns and cities within their parameters on the water’s surface. This particular terrace is situated in a valley unseen from the outside.

This is the way of the people who live behind the waterfalls; they are people of innovation, spirituality, and hard work.

Robert J. Matsunaga