Introducing an Invented Futuristic Culture

The people in this story are all highly advanced, yet they live on a basic level in some ways resembling ancient or medieval people. Remember, their culture is different and people in the past have made horrible errors in judging other cultures by their own historical yardstick. Example, the European colonial powers judged other people they colonized by their culture and Judeo-Christian standards. The Senetha and other peoples in the story are not anything resembling Europeans or anyone else in our world, they just have a different historical development, culture and different way of seeing things. Like all people the Senetha, Homvia, the Desert People, Honazal, Sahaynaivium and other peoples have their good, bad, and gradations of personalities and moods as people have in any period in time, culture, race, spiritual belief, nation or life style. These people defy stereotype, they are individuals, and they are no different from you or I, they have a long history of almost ten million years and although their culture, spirituality and technology is different, they are people.

A Senetha village resembles a medium size town that is surrounded by wilderness or park land, the buildings are not as organized as other villages but there is a pattern to them, it’s organized in a square or circular grid formation as much as possible. The tribal council plans where certain structures will go, but outside of the main village people just build anywhere, sometimes creating a haphazard pattern of structures. Some dwellings are partially underground that is why when the Orbs came it wasn’t that difficult for the Senetha to think about living underground.

Senetha architecture is organic looking, hardly any right angles, curves, and circular shapes dominate. The skin of the structure doesn’t require paint although this can be used, the material is already formed in this color. There are craftspeople, construction workers and artisan carpenters that build such structures. In their great work areas partially submerged underground and above, they create the materials for the structure or already assemble it, and take to the site with large floating vehicles that have wheels but float off the ground to the destination of an assemblage. The Senetha use wood, stone and a type of concrete and ceramic for the interior, the outer layer is of a material that looks like shiny glass, metal or ceramic but it isn’t, few weapons or natural element or catastrophes can penetrate or destroy it except the Orbs. There is also a transparent metal or stone, a shell of solidified water, solidified energy with areas of vibrating energy, there are even the shell or outer areas of a structure that grows like a seashell as a specially constructed life form, created by the engineers-craftspeople-scientists.

People never listen much to the tribal council or governing body. Actually the tribal council is a Senetha parliament, the warrior who have more clout resemble the samurai, the young warriors is like a club or boy scouts this almost guarantees a place on the council for young people but this way of life is changing. The warriors are useless, wars have become less important, there is and has been depopulation, there is not enough people to fight. Besides weapons have become very sophisticated. When Sanashei was speaking of the fire arrows of Cashmakil, this is not literally meaning that arrows released from a bow or crossbow made the destruction of that city, this means missiles with nuclear warhead and other forms of energy, much more destructive. The missiles are not only rocket shaped, some are tubes of light with enough energy to destroy an entire country, or sphere shaped and a variety of other forms. Mentioned in the book are spear like things used by the Senetha warriors, these are not archaic spears of ancient or medieval time in our world, in their world these are javelins of energy solidified and transforming into light energy with the punch of a half a megaton or less. Once thrown the Javelins fly on there own, faster then sound, so when it’s thrown there is sonic crack, like a whip. There is a special arm glove used to protect the warrior and help them throw it at high speed, in fact the javelin has the speed and power of a missile but with greater power and held in the human hand. Once the javelin is thrown it leaves the hand automatically with a life of it’s own. The javelins are between 6ft to 7ft long and a 2inch to 2.5inch circumference. This weapon had no effect on the Orbs. There is a thing, a weapon called a velocity arrow, it doesn’t actually look like one, it’s a foot long, 3 inches thick, pointed at both ends, its transparent and lightweight with pulsating light energy of bluish light. Like the javelin once thrown, it takes off on its own such a projectile can reach the upper atmosphere and travel several miles on the earth. Once the arrow reaches its target it is contained in a magnetic field and held there or completely destroyed, which is decided by the operator through their minds. Each arrow is programed to the warriors mind and only that warrior is able to operate those arrows. Another weapon is an energy sphere that is also thrown and travels at it’s own velocity near the speed of light. When in contact with its target this is completely disintegrated, actually reconverted into energy thus being recycled into a center. Device that holds energy, the Senetha warrior use to bring more energy to their weapons. The disc weapon is launched by a projectile weapon using contained narrowly focused powerful magnetic force of a large planetary body similar in size to Jupiter, this weapon of such power can be held steady with dampers of neutralizing force that are projected from tiny spheres circling around the weapon. All the warrior has to do is imagine the disc taking off, once on its way, the disc has unlimited range and it has its own mind. When the target is destroyed, the amount of destructive power is decided in the mind of the warrior, nothing escapes the disc. Most of the weapons are controlled by the Senetha warriors mind. So discipline of thought is important training.

There are two individuals who live in caves, Nainashari and Heitac, they weren’t dwellers in the sense of the Paleolithic Period in our world, their caves are underground homes with a whole world, with all kinds of devices, similar to underground military bases in our world. These caves are vast places extending far and into other planes of existence, other worlds overlap with their world at the same time and rarely overflows outside of the cave, Nainashari’s one extends to all parts of the continent and this is what Tenashar and Etutsha experienced when they saw worlds and colors overlapping. It’s important to understand that Nainashari’s cave and Heitac’s are different although similar. Heitac’s is like a very large and extensive archive of knowledge that extends back into the infinite past and forward into the future. Recording devices, books of all forms, papers, recording stone, view tablets, telepathy chambers, and technology of all types from every civilization. This is her classroom where students engage in learning from every source through telepathy and learning chambers, which are personal universes. Other parts of her cave are towers similar to high-rise buildings with windows of every possible form with trees and other plant forms. There are places that resemble control rooms with large gigantic screens for viewing. But mainly it’s a comfortable place. Heitac prefers to stay outside of her cave to teach, her main method is to have the students teach themselves. Nainashari’s cave in some ways is similar but it’s mainly an environment a whole other world with other worlds, and similar to a combination of an art studio and workshop with parts from machines that are material and incorporeal, there are things scattered on the floor that looks biological, perhaps parts of so-called artificial biological machines. He makes everything himself through his hands with machines that don’t require energy and giant factory-style devices, he uses mind control combined with matter to form physical objects, Nainashar had no limitations in bringing things into physical being. Are Nainashari and Heitac the only people with such abilities the answer is no. There are others with a lot less and smaller caves, they are not caves, these are structure half in a mountain and half outside or partially underground. The Senetha have other teachers, Heitac is a different sort, she only instructs certain people she sees as Aura-Lei-I, persons with special abilities. In book II, Journey to the Grassland and Sea, it’s discovered that there are other Aura-Lei-I across the ocean in Sahaynaivium. And people that are almost as interesting like Heitac and Nainashari, their caves are not as grand, these people don’t live in caves they live above ground in the forests; they partially underground workshops, generally these are small.

From Nainashari’s, forest Tenashar and Etutsha enter the desert world of the future; there, a person named Ilaythesia who is an Aura-Laei-I but of a different type, more sophisticated then what Tenashar was familiar with. And there was Cadica an Aura-Laei-I in training. Yes, times had changed. The Aura-Laei-I of the future had more learning, creative powers, greater technology. The desert world is not a magical world there is no magic, it is the techniques of using the mind and they have developed technology in a different way that our own world has not known. There is perhaps nothing impossible, given centuries of development. The people of the desert are self-governing, they have no need for central rulers. There is one but no one knows who they are. They govern themselves inside, sometimes their neighbors keep them in line, but their individuality is fiercely guarded and their life’s path is extremely important. In a few years there will be more farms in the desert, there is already some, at this time most of them are underground, but in the future people will have a wish to partially keep the desert the way it was; because of the beautiful sands of color and entire beauty of the desert. There is no war at this time, but people struggle for change and their world is also changing. They trade with the Floating Cities, these dwellers of the sky bring things from all over the world and the things they make. Tenashar and Etutsha were fond of such a world but they leave it for their own.

There are things called Sharzeen. These are beings of all kinds of forms and sizes, some appear human others don’t. A-amar and Una-sei seem human in form, their faces are different. A-amar has the face somewhat of a wolf and Una-sei’s resembles a buffalo. What are Sharzeen? They are not an artificial life form like an android, they are not any kind of machine or even a biological machine like the Orbs. They seem to be made by humans yet another story says they come into this world at their choosing through a human who has the skill to bring them to life. Yet A-amar never remembered his time before he was with Tenashar. There are so many conflicting stories about the Sharzeen. One thing, before they seem to come into living form, the Sharzeen are in different forms like the monoliths on one of the Sahaynaivium islands where giant glass like monoliths dominate. A-amar just said “one of us,” this taken to mean perhaps that these Sharzeen, in a dormant state, are guardians of the island. Earlier Cadica seemed to be making Sharzeen by injecting something into some glass looking animal figures that almost resembled Tenashar’s two Sharzeen companions, their bodies had shown the remote parts of the galaxy and universe that would constantly change, even A-amar and Uan-sei were transparent at times, yet solid like flesh and blood; nothing suffices to define a Sharzeen. Before leaving the desert Cadica gave Tenashar a small human glass figure that also revealed scenes of the galactic world.

In book II there is the city of Honazal where great ships sail across the earth using sail but a solar sail used to power a magnetic thrust engine that uses water as propulsion. Some ships are stabilized by having been constructed with several overlapping hauls; the outside one takes the rough and placid waters the inner one is never influenced, it’s kept smooth by gyros and thick liquid gyros automatically controlled by the ship and operators. The ships travel at high speeds. What is presented here is an ocean-going culture that has done things differently from the cultures in our world. Imagine a culture unknown to us having a very different approach to ship construction, propulsion, and navigation. Then there is the land of Sovazal close to the polar-regions with volcanic vents of steam interspersed with forests, grasses, flowers, and beautiful structures, the dwellings high in the mountains with sunlight, this makes the region picturesque. At the other point, the Sahaynaivium’s have chosen to erect larger structures interspersed with forests and land. The other people such as the Senetha and Sovazal could construct such things but they chose not to. They never lack the skill or technology; the region where Senetha lives is visited by earthquakes at unspecified times. In one sense some people think that humans and the natural world are strangely thought of as being separate, but humans are of the natural world. We may try to conquer something, but in time it could come back at us in negative ways, think about nature with a living force with superior intelligence and wisdom it would not allow us to do something to it doesn’t want itself to do.

One society is not better then the other they are just different it’s what we get used to in our lives. I think of nature as a society of a different sort.