Who or What are the Aura-Laei-I

The Aura-Laei-I are versed in most subjects, becoming experts in whatever they touch. Their wisdom and learning is deep. They belong somewhere else, but no one would know them. They are just like anyone with their diverse personalities. Where did they come from? No one really knows, there are all kinds of stories about them that range from the ridiculous to the truth. It’s possible that they were created by people from a civilization that was extremely old that hardly nothing is left of it. The Aura-Laei-I’s artificial minds were created to aid in research and storing records without a material library. Their mind might have been a copy of the celestial library. These minds or intellects didn’t have a body, they weren’t made of anything material, but eventually they formed into humans or they moved into the womb of a human woman. This could have been their way to touch the world, to experience life with a body, not to be artificial, but to be part of nature. There’s a story that the Aura-Laei-I were artificial life forms. By experimenting they found a way to develop human organs. Eventually they became human. Some scholars doubt this, others say there is evidence, there has been so much debate among the learned people that they have become confused themselves. One thing is true about the Aura-Laei-I. That is that they are human.

Some Aura-Laei-I had been empowered with the ability to see things that are invisible to most people. It’s been known that there are invisible devices left by previous civilizations that are operating in the present time. These machines self repair themselves. In a limited manner they partially control the environment and people’s moods. Well trained Aura-Laei-I’s had made attempts to fix the devices with their thoughts, this is the only way to do this. Many of the attempts have been successful, others have not, but they continue to work on this. There are artificial beings that appear like apparitions to people, thus mistaking them for natural spiritual things. The Aura-Laei-I can see this, they try to interact with the invisible non-material artificial beings. With their minds and tools of manipulation, they develop through their thoughts. What are these tools? They look like tools that seem to be made of light, or they can’t be seen. There is one tool that twirled with oscillating spheres lined up to look like a cube, another is a ring with a handle, the ring can change the size and there is one with an oval-shaped head with a long thin rod that is bent, this is used to change the brain of the invisible artificial being. These are only a few of the tools that are used by the Aura-Laei-i.

The Aura-Laei-I matures early but it takes the young ones to gain wisdom, and this can take years. Their knowledge and intellect with real world practice are well developed, which is almost perfectly tuned, but they can be foolish and go in the wrong direction. This is why they have to gain wisdom, which for some of them doesn’t come easy. Only after constant mistakes and emotional hurt do they start to arrive at some maturity. This is the reason as some people have observed, that the Aura-Laei-I with the greatest wisdom, were senior citizens.

One of the things that defined an Aura-Laei-I is that they are gifted; this partially described them, but this is only a small part of what they really are, what people say about them is perhaps true. They are able to use tools that they have never seen or touched, they seem to read the tool, and see the inside of it, the tool tells them how it works. They use a technique called use memory, that recalled the person who used the tool and they see a scene of a person using the tool. Aura-Laei-I’s can read any tool, this includes weapons, they can look at drawn plans and see in their mind the actual construction in three dimensions. An Aura-Laei-I is often asked, what technique is used to talk with tools; they respond that all things have a voice. This is often dismissed as nonsense by other people, but they would say a tool would tell them that it could be developed in new ways, thus inventing a new tool or device. People were often mystified by Aura-Laei-I’s. The Aura-Laei-I were repositories of knowledge, they absorb every thing that is said and read. The Aura-Laei-I were teachers and advisers, this seemed to be their main function among the Senetha.