The Feelings of a Fictitious World

What are the feelings when entering a mythical world? Many thoughts come to mind, there’s a vast expanse of deserts, it’s not like the desert of our world, there was a pure and clean feeling although people had lived there, the sky was light blue and green, there were some sparse clouds around, the thoughts of people don’t contaminate it as if it never wished to permit this. It’s warm yet cool; everyone hears their own form of serene music. This desert is considered a living thing; for those who believe it will talk to them, to most of the inhabitants of the desert, it doesn’t talk to them, but they sense something. The sky is clear, there are no chemical pollutants, and people use a different kinds of technology. Whatever is part of the sky is considered natural; people think it is a companion because it will go everywhere they travel. It’s regarded as a protector of the elements from space. Where most people live in the mythical world, it is generally quiet; the devices make things and produce no noise, they have low sounds, or some of these machines sound like music.

There were high towers of light; they could reside in any environment. People look at these towers with feelings of mystery, strangeness, and something very ancient. There is something forbidden about these towers that few people seldom go near them. The inhabitants of the forests, deserts, seas, mountains, or elsewhere have developed a feeling of awe towards these towers.

In certain provinces, people have had a sense of being watched by something; what is this something? Inanimate things are alive, artificial life forms, and invisible living devices. So there is uneasiness in the mythical world. They can probably sense people in their minds, and other people with the ability can see them in their minds. Some people don’t even feel this.

The main point of this mythical world is that there is a coolness of the breeze, intense light, and a strange purity in certain places that weren’t touched by the feelings and thoughts of humans.

What is on the other side is the question people in the mythical world ask, but there is no mystery because geographical things are known. Sometimes there is a feeling that what was there isn’t there anymore. The lands shift because it is alive. If a person travels to a familiar place, they will find somewhere else far away or in another dimension or time. Travelers had found themselves in a machine, a living machine. They might find themselves in their dreams. When people travel, they use their feelings to navigate to places, knowing that familiar places have certain feelings and when they are absent, they know it’s not there, then another direction has to be figured out.