Where is the Infinite?

An infinite number of ways exist to think about things and solve problems, the infinite has its center in calmness, and in a panic, it’s challenging to solve a problem. There are endless combinations of emotional states. Perhaps someone could protest at a particular moment that there is only one way to solve a problem. Still, people realize that other solutions could help solve the problem.

The world can be complicated; there are so many different ways of doing something that it doesn’t do any good to be narrow-minded. That was why people of the mythical world kept a device that is informally called a “voice” in many ways; this assisted them in solving problems; it used to remind a person that was trying to solve a problem to concentrate on one solution that they were given at a time if that didn’t work more suggestions would be indicated. The machine didn’t solve their problems. It was just a guide. The box was red and white; it appeared like an apparition without hard edges, looked soft and hazy, and wasn’t solid, yet it could be reliable. if it were touched, it would be as if one’s hand went through a cloud with freezing temperatures; this means it was neither material nor non-material. It was a box full of information in infinite ways in indicating and as a guide in solving problems. Eventually, people become so lazy because they can depend on a box to help them solve their problems, some people become so frustrated because they expected the box to give them the answers, but it wouldn’t. The boxes eventually vanished or were taken away by the authorities, the chiefs of the cities and villages, or perhaps the boxes themselves disappeared on their own.  Who made the boxes? Again no one knew. The boxes existed for centuries; then they were gone. The people yearned for them, and after many generations, they returned to solving problems through their own efforts.

Infinity is something that is played within this mythical world. There were roads, and the landscapes that accommodated them went on forever; they were ever-changing but never seemed to end. By traveling on one of these roads, a traveler never gets to a destination. These roads seemed to make no sense, but they did go somewhere. Somewhere one wished the road to go to. All travelers had to do was use their imagination, and they were at their final destination.

Consider infinity in everyday life, look at inanimate objects, and the things of nature have a sense of infinity. Natural items are always being recycled, and things decompose, becoming a matter for growth nutrients for new living things. Inanimate objects are made of materials from the earth, molecules, and atoms that have been recycled throughout the whole existence of the universe. Think about the flow of water; each flow is unique and never happens in the same way ever again. Perhaps sunlight never falls the same way each morning; each day is considered new, all people born into this world are unique, and the works of individual artists and writers are exceptional. Each tree, because they grow in their individualistic way, is an inspiration to some artists, parts of a tree in their infinite form can inspire great photographic images. I look into a landscape or cityscape; there is growth in these places over time, even if they don’t exist in time; this has been part of the infinite process of change. A long road in a city can suggest the infinite, although it will end somewhere. I sense the infinite when I observe something from nature or something inanimate.

There is no end to thought; the infinite inspiration of design, invention, the arts, knowledge, wisdom, etc., power resides in our imaginations. There is an endless way of things that can be devised; the only limits are our own and other people’s opinions, and limitations are only imparted by society.

There are endless ways of creating a society in fiction and reality; think of what seems impossible in contemporary society; this is a way of developing a fictional culture, and another way is looking into the historic past. There is no limit to the possible outcome of any society, fictional or non-fictional; in other words, there are a million outcomes to the communities we have today that have never been considered. An individual can travel in any direction in their lives as if many doors are open, each door leads to different destinations, and society also has many doors of possibilities. These paths are wildly divergent and could create any type of culture very different from our own. What would American society be like if the so-called youth revolution or civil rights had never occurred? There are infinite possibilities for what would have happened if the organization didn’t take this path.

In a certain period, certain things and situations are considered positive for the development of their societies; they don’t realize there are millions of more favorable conditions for that society. There are also infinite positive and negative situations.

Through observation and creation, it has always been indicated to me that my mind should be open 360°; this is a practice I try to maintain.

Robert J. Matsunaga