Reincarnation in the Imagined World

Where is the world of reincarnation? Is it the recycling of a life form? What is reincarnation in the mythical world? Some quacks say they have devices that will control the outcome of one’s next life. These people are charlatans in the fictional world. The concept of reincarnation is taken for granted by the people in the mythical world wherever they live, such as the desert, jungles, forests, oceans, mountains, plains, space, or another dimension. But some people didn’t believe in it, not because of religious or scientific reasons. They don’t believe in it. Most people go with their intuition and what they feel within themselves despite what others say to them. In the mythical world, instinct always turns out accurate. Poets, artists, engineers, and scholars understand their experience with intuition, and they know reincarnation to be true because they see the soul is the natural world. The one outside can be false and misleading. There are devices developed by engineer-scientist that can bring the soul into a container called a chamber that keeps it in stasis. Even when a person is alive, their soul could be put into these chambers, and their bodies are put away, for a time, in a suspended chamber to keep them from aging.

The dead are cremated, and their souls are held in the chamber temporarily before they go to the appropriate bodies where they are instructed to go. There is no need not to know where to go. Some of the souls are kept in the chambers for too long, and they are eventually forgotten about, and other souls are held there on purpose and sold as slaves to be locked into devices. This is why some of the machines seem like they are alive. Not all devices in the mythical world are developed this way. Most of the devices are active and don’t contain the souls of dead people or animals. This is what some people in the mythical world call spiritual enslavement. Who are the people responsible for enslaving souls? They are people who tend to the chambers. These are the engineers who know the rooms well. Some of them are developers of machinery and wish their creations to life. Were these laws against this? There aren’t, which is why most people in the mythical world have secret ceremonies of the dead where they are cremated. Hardly anyone buries a body. People who violated the laws by enslaving souls were brought to justice in the courts, where chiefs and judges presided over the punishments that would be pronounced on the offenders.

People of the deserts and forests are recycled, everything used is turned into something else or given a new life, and materials are broken down into essential components to be remade again into the same object or something new. Much of this practice has nothing to do with the environment; in some places, resources were and are scarce. This doesn’t mean that everyone recycles; some throw things away. Agriculturalists use the manure of animals for fertilizer. Agriculturalists had recipes for mixing fertilizer using animal waste, but the smell is the most important thing; it’s like tasting wine. Tree farmers also use their brands of recycled waste.

There are small creatures called Ioai-ni. They vary in size, the largest being the size of a dragonfly. These tiny devices that humans and nature create recycle machines by automatically creating and reassembling new parts and fixing old parts. Many times the machines would develop into something else, a new machine with a complicated function. From a distance, the device creatures resemble spheres of light; with closer observation, they seem to have a transparent shiny surface, with inner workings of a machine and organs, they seem to have metal mechanical legs, arms, and feelers, and they have large round eyes without emotion, like that of a fish. As they moved on, people that had observed them could help to comment that these devices had a soul, and each of them was individual.

Many things in this mythical world symbolize reincarnation world. Because this belief is firm for most of the dwellers of the fictional world, people work hard to form themselves into people they wish to be in the next life, they cultivate their knowledge through studies, understanding things, they try to make their lives right, but this is not all that might be needed, anyway they try to do the best. Some scholars think this is a waste of time because they don’t go into the prayer chambers. What are prayer chambers? In a sense, they are communicating with those chambers, partially, these chambers seem part of the natural world, yet they are machines, not machines with electrical circuits or mechanical parts. It’s a machine with living light, with beings that seem to be practically composed of water and sunshine, combined with something resembling a force of a star that collapsed, yet this wasn’t what it was, but it could have been a magnetic force or something else. Some say they were tiny spheres that orbited the machine with the power to keep it together. Anyway, the chamber held a world within another world with a completely different physical law. The prayer chamber was like an intelligent, they could manipulate the physical laws of the mythical world, but the section was mainly a communication thing or world. It could communicate with anyone asking for advice.

Some of the people in the mythical world believe that their minds would be put into holding places after they pass away depending on the state of mind they cultivated during their lifetime; those that lived with positive thoughts would see a connected world, people who live in a negative condition would return to the hostile planet. All their yearnings, terrors, and imaginings would materialize in such a place. They would remain in such a place, and some would come to a universe where they are the only existence; they would know nothing of a former fact; anything could happen in these holding places because of the mind cultivated during life on earth.

Robert J. Matsunaga