The Shamans of the Mythical World

The Shaman of the mythical world are the people of everything or the ones of universal abilities and thoughts; they are students of continuous learning, they see everything that exists, they can transform matter and energy, they are very solitary, they consult with windows or vortexes through which they could view other places and worlds, in a way these were their books. Still, they also used conventional books and scrolls, read words on flat shiny stones tablets, and were scientists, engineers, artists, historians, builders, and everything else; they could also be priests of the natural world. When they read words and letters on flat shiny stone surfaces, they were not carved into the surface; the written words were composed of light that changed from one text to the next through the shaman’s mind, pictures could also be shown, and they can put text and words on any surface like wood, soil, even in the air. They aren’t like the electronic tablets of our world. There was nothing electrical about them because the power source came from the shaman’s mind. These shamans were considered the top scholars and thinkers of their world. Other scholars and scientists consulted with them on problems they couldn’t solve and learned from the fundamental wisdom of this shaman. They derived their intellect and wisdom from silence when they only heard the sounds of the natural world in a quiet stasis. Human-made sounds were never heard because they secluded themselves from people for a time to concentrate on their thing. They had to focus with great intensity because, from their minds, they created tangible things. They created objects from their reasons linked and amplified with a device. Another way was creating several design drawings and then making them with tools and materials to realize the physical object finally. Some of these shamans were known to use threads of light or metal light, this seemed to resemble a cable or wire that had the properties of light and metal, but it was neither. They would spin a skeleton of the object they wished to create with their fingers. They would look at it if they were satisfied more thread was turned to make the outer shell and working parts within if it was a machine. Small flat boards with things that resemble circuits were created by their hand within seconds. With their rapidly moving fingers, they make things that seem impossible. It had been surmised that there was an unseen device on their fingers, and it generally found that their skills were beyond human abilities.

The young gifted child was sought after and found by an older experienced shaman who could look into a child’s eyes and see what others never comprehended and thus knew that the child was a born shaman. In the mythical or fantasy world, never confuse a shaman with the ancient ones of our world. They were very different. They were not part of any religion but were more spiritual, artistic, technical, scientific, and scholarly. They manipulate things through their powerful thoughts and minds. Considered the masters of nature, the shamans could reach into any living thing and see the life-giving force. They communicated with plants, fungi, and soil encouraging them to flourish, which they did. They were the super-intellectuals of their world. They were the highest scholars. But they should never be confused with the Aura-Laei-I. These learned people were much farther above the super-scholars. Aura-Laei-I absorbed learning from the world around them through the air, and they were born with knowledge as if they were human encyclopedias. They also learned through conventional and unconventional ways not possible for the shamans. Some shamans were Aura-Laei-I, but they were few; only four of them were known. To the Senetha, some of these shamans were a repository of knowledge, but most people didn’t care about them; they were too mysterious and scary. The stereotype was that the shamans were old; yes, that was true, but younger ones were being trained for the next generation so that the lines of shamans would continue forever, they were like a computer, but their minds were far superior to any computer. The shaman built computers. They were of the celestial type and in communication with the most fantastic computer, the artificial multiverses.

Robert J. Matsunaga