Not Being Influenced

Understanding the arts, such as poetry, is considered a mark of a high person without the need or help of a teacher. Teaching oneself to understand the arts and sciences is regarded as a mark of a leader, scholar, scientist, and artist. Not being influenced by people’s opinions that don’t make sense is another indication of being above the crowd. Making a great is never conforming to fashion or the trends of a period. Opinions follow a trend. Maybe it’s more accessible in the world of myth not to follow a trend, there are no media or news organizations, and news only comes in the way of universal telepathy, knowing what is happening in the world by communicating with the earth. There are no celebrities and no movie industry people praise everyone when it’s earned with great skill, people who have companions and think of others first; it’s the thing where people follow their path. There is no such thing as a religious state because such things are locked away in the individual as a secret, so there are no temples or churches. It’s more of a spiritual thing, communion with the earth and people; it’s a personal philosophy. Before, people couldn’t communicate with the planet, and there was no personal philosophy because people didn’t know how and people were influenced by other people’s words. Outer markings of clothing and marks on the face are not considered things of individuality in the mythical world; they are just superficial.

Learning all things, all knowledge accumulates by the human race, continuance of learning, then gaining spirituality with all books, not just one, more importantly communion with nature, speaking and communicating with it. Understanding new thoughts, learning about change, and continuing to change ourselves to evolve beyond ourselves.

As applied to ourselves, spiritual truths are within life itself, what we observe with our thoughts of energy; this can (could) only be used to ourselves, not others, because they have their approaches; there’s no preaching as in religion, mainly action doing. Learning to reflect with an “aha!” a light bulb goes off in our thoughts, from something seen on television, a movie, something read, or something experienced; there is a multitude of opportunities everywhere, infinite like nature is in its myriad forms.

Observation is learning about questioning things, and life around us explores every avenue of existence.

Religious books never answer all our questions, and neither do books on science or history because we, as individuals and each new generation, are on a quest, a journey to find out more and to question. Religious texts are often outdated; spiritual things are a journey of learning new things. The only thing knowing is life changes around us. Nothing ever stays the same. One book cannot answer all our questions or yearnings; there are answers; they come from multiple sources, and one of them is our own experience in life. Life has rough edges that are part of it; a blade can’t be sharpened with a sharpening stone. The storms of life are our stones; we point ourselves.

The mythical or imaginary land and people are presented in a way that their spiritual quest or traditions are not reliant on a book but on all things shown in the universe. To them, tradition can be a form of slavery. They never slavishly follow ancient religious texts. Spiritual texts are not necessary; more importantly, it’s how each generation and individual interprets life around them, writing new spiritual things. A book should have no power over anyone, religious or otherwise; the infinite number of books decide which ones are good.

Like the flow of a river, learning and experience journeys to the goal of the sea, which could be a metaphor for infinite learning.

Always ask what is impossible, never being enslaved by negative comments that say it can’t be. Disregard tradition and convention, think of new ways of doing things, be an inventor, and bring what is imaginary into the world. A book on religion is never an influence; think beyond the spiritual, believe, and thing beyond all barriers. Learning everything is part of a whole person, to be on a journey to search all possible and impossible places.

Robert J. Matsunaga