Lighted Shapes

Out in the plains far from the Senetha villages and cities, octagon or cube-like structures exist as if they are made out of light or some material that emanates light. What are they used for? Are they dwellings, grand houses, or probably playhouses for wealthy people? The shapes change; one time, they are an octagon, then it becomes a cube, a torus, and they become stacked up, like a tower, then rounded like a dome. The objects appear as if they are made out of light. They would appear on a grass prairie, then in a forest. People call them false cities because some say they don’t exist, and some say they are used to make small cities larger. Cities would become smaller or larger as these structures appeared and then disappeared, and as these structures made of light faded away, the substantial part of the city would seem to become empty, but it was not; it was the same as before. Do people live in structures of light? If they do, they are probably squatters if they don’t own the system, but people can and do live in them. They are made out of glowing material. In the mythical world, light is used as a building material; there is no need for external or interior lights. The shapes move to combine into a tower. Next, they would be found in a circular shape, thus glowing during the day and night. Who was and is building all these structures? Exceptional craftsmen of light, they are engineers; they design anything in light.

Sprites of light compose and play music; they are beings of light, live in their world, and are used as musicians by the upper-class people of the fantasy world.

There are and were people made of light, they live in the morning, and they move walls of light around to create structures. The craftsmen play music on strings of light twirled with the finger, and they design buildings of light with pens of light that draw lines that glow on surfaces made of light. When they make things such as structures and objects, they use tools made of light; in a way, it’s a magical world.

There are temporary halls of light with grand arches of light that build themselves into forms directed by an architect. It could remain for a hundred years. That is what the architect means by temporary. As time goes by, a similar structure could be made in its place. The arches of light blend the indoor and outdoor world simultaneously; such a structure can come into being in a forest, seashore, or desert. People call them the arches; the arches are the only structure; there is nothing else around them, nothing else, no perceived ornamentations or relief sculptures; on a tower, there might be patterns that could control that is found on any machine, nothing else. Then the arch fades away.

The forest of lights is a conglomerate of strange shapes that appear; they appear to be organic, displaying many hues appearing and then fading away over time. Probably they were lamps that were put there, or they could have grown like trees. It should be remembered that anything is possible in the mythical world. In the daylight, the high-intensity glow has a greater power that could dominate daylight. It’s a forbidden place to go, perhaps out of traditional superstition.

From a distance, they seem to be animals made out of light emanating from different light hues. They float around the towers of light. It is located in the Senetha territories and Northern forests. In the tropical South, the rising heat seems to almost blend in with the intensity of the hues of the animals. Some resemble floating monkeys or apes with many trees or branch-like extensions emanating from their bodies. They seem to be made out of light but they look like plastic toys that move. There’s an inner glow like a lightbulb inside the animal. Other creatures could resemble an elephant with a trunk, its head shaped like a snail with a box that coils in; it stands up on two legs with its massive body. Its color is mainly red, although parts of its body display other colors. Still, another curious creature has six stubby tubular legs. Its main dwelling is in the trees, where its legs powerfully grapple the trunk of a tree and stay in the upper parts for security (safety). There are other creatures with multiple wings that change color with sounds and others with various legs that fly and grab things with their legs. A forest is filled with creatures of thousands of forms that could almost be impossible to describe and count.

Creatures of light also swim in the ocean; these are oceans of light, light with the feel of water, the sea creature of light oscillates with many colors, and some are larger than whales. Only animals like these live in an ocean of light. Nowhere else do they live (they don’t live anywhere else). These particular oceans exist in the mountains. They seem to be an inland sea. During the night, people hike into that mountain to observe the sea animals of light. It’s a ritual that has been done for centuries, similar to cherry blossoms or fireworks viewing in our world.

Skyships of light that travel at high speeds in the air are often mistaken for man-made piloted ships. These are life forms that reproduce. In a way, they look like dragons of the sky, but they are not. They take on streamlined shapes at times and fly at high speeds, as their wings and legs are blurred at high speeds, thus creating a beautiful image in the air. As they travel through the air, their shape changes, thinning out with extremely tapering pointed shapes; sometimes, the wings of the forms would change, becoming very large, resembling a ship’s sails. Another name for them is Mayesa (Dragons of light).

There’s a walking shape that appears to be made out of tubular light walking in an x-shaped form, a bizarre thing; none of the scholars or the common people had been able to figure out what that is or is.

When the lighted shapes become structures or part of them, they enhance the building. There is no need for external or interior lights; they have become an important part of people’s lives in the mythical world.

Robert J. Matsunaga