Looking at Spheres

A sphere seems to belong somewhere else; are they part of this world? In other words, are they of this world? Looking at a block or slab of marble, what is it saying? Putting a sphere up to the indirect morning sun seems to be saying something to the observer as light enters an ocean, reminding us of the sunlight touching the surface of the water or of morning rising in a distant land. It could be a way to see another world through imagination; what is that world? If an ocean is heard, a glass sphere could evoke all kinds of feelings by imagining what was remembered. What could anyone find in a tiny or large glass sphere? There could be more inside of a sphere, something unseen at first, something that caught the imagination, a memory that makes our feelings rise to a higher level, where we wish to be in the world through creativity. Parts of the city are within a garden, on an evening after a rain, or when sounds from a distant highway are heard, this is what could bring images into a glass sphere. What could be possible with a glass sphere on a beach as an observer finds pictures of imagination cast away many miles in the distance? Think of the light oscillating inside of that sphere, abstract ideas flowing like mist as if being up in the sky with clouds in an airplane. Perhaps sometimes, the imagery of the fog moving creates a sunset, an overcast day that rides away in the glass.

It’s possible that what’s inside a glass sphere is poetry, lights, and mist dancing around like fire burning at another time. Could there be glass spheres collected or displayed against a glass window, the colors of each sphere, what do they say to the people that see them? Anything is possible with the glass sphere; anything can be done with them displayed on a desk, just rolling them around in the palms of a hand, feeling its smooth texture, and looking through them to see a story that exists from the imagination.

Think of thousands of glass spheres floating in the night sky glowing some distance away, reflecting light with their power; that is part of the imagination. If glass spheres could float, anything could be possible.

What does a sphere say as it is observed? That is decided by the person who is watching it. Imagine a sphere seeing the sun, a landscape far away through a window. What would that sphere say?

A sphere could be imagined as anything, a dwelling made out of colored glass, an object to look into the future or the past, and a dream to find an image of a seashore that isn’t there anymore. It’s a glass sphere with a mystery, a window that would lead anywhere.

Special people in a mythical world hold the spheres, meaning that they nurture them, protecting them as a repository of knowledge and all things. They are similar to the Aura-Laei-i; the only difference is that they create a kind of magic from their minds, manipulating thought, they could be called wizards, but they are not. As they peer into the spheres, they can see anything and new kinds of designs of things through the images of their minds. They accumulate thousands of spheres, and many float around the laboratories, the custodians of the spheres, as they are called live-in dwellings that are called laboratories. Some of their spheres are made out of glass, light, or water; there might be other materials that they are possibly made out of. The spheres have other spheres contained in them. It’s like a world within a world. Unlike standard glass spheres, the spheres custodians use could change color at the desire of the person holding them. Spheres have every thought or knowledge put in through the ages. Glass spheres are passed on from master to disciple or down through family lines. There’s a place called the temple of the spheres, a kind of place of worship. A librarian takes care of the spheres somewhat like a priest. It’s important to understand that they are not priests in the religious sense. They are a custodian of the spheres and part of spirituality beyond all spiritual things. Maybe the laws of nature work differently in the mythical world, but there are similarities to our world.

A sphere could have many spheres floating around inside of it, mainly one smaller one in the center, another one that is still smaller getting infinitely smaller. Peering into one of these could reveal the future, and the custodian can see a possible future warning people to avoid disaster. But like a river, time flows in unpredictable ways. Spheres are only used as a guide. Many futures could be seen that are possible. With these spheres, they can see deeper into themselves beyond meditation and years of practice to see themselves in the future; the spheres aid personal development. Large glass windows with views of the ocean are part of the dwellings of the custodian of the spheres; on the beach, they take on and observe the world, absorbing everything.

A person could look into one of those spheres and be transported into it, becoming their dwelling. With their thoughts, they can put anything they want into that dwelling. What happens to the sphere when the custodians of the spheres aren’t in this world; the sphere floats. Another question, if someone tries to steal the orbs, the orbs themselves won’t permit that because it has a consciousness and life of their own. Plus, the sphere can hide from observing people wishing to make trouble. In that sphere, the custodian looks into another sphere and returns to reality.

A sphere is a library; it stores trillions of forms of information; peering into the globe, one could enter into a virtual library that exists in the sphere. Entering a sphere isn’t needed; just putting the sphere near the forehead transfers the required information into the mind. There are very rare particular spheres; scholars have sought them out, and few were able to acquire them into their library spheres.

Some spheres are for seeing the future, which is a debatable thing in the mythical world; more importantly, it’s for using it to view various parts of the universe. It was a tool used by ancient and modern astronomers; some asked if a sphere could see things a telescope couldn’t. The answers were yes, but what was the sphere seeing? This could create endless debate. Because of this argument, some astronomers stopped using the sphere as a tool.

Spheres could be used for anything but a person using them has to have acquired intense training over several years. Besides, the spheres had to accept the person who looked into them.

Robert J. Matsunaga