People in some regions of the mythical world don’t like others from someplace else; they never have the desire to learn about those other countries of the mythical world, its history, or its ways. Millions of cultures exist in the mythical world. Culture is not defined as a tradition from centuries before; it is often something new that has existed for only a few years. There are unique cultures that isolate the traditional ones. Traditional cultures are considered backward and stupid. In our world, they would consider the cultures of Europe backward and ignorant. Many groups embrace new cultures; they count individuals in the millions, or a few hundred, to one or two people. Anyone not part of the new culture is considered a foreigner. Because new cultures are presented as they are now, the people become insular, even xenophobic. Attacking new cultures will often create such attitudes in people. In some regions, new cultures are embraced. The worst thing is that cultures that have existed for a long time that is insular, yes, they evolve, but in some things, they do not wish to make greater changes. It’s like working with the hippie culture imagine it evolving into various branches; this will eventually become different from its origins. No culture doesn’t evolve. Ancient traditions are kept, never becoming part of water periods. The new societies theoretically start with a wish to change; does this come into practice centuries later? Change is important to these new cultures change is part of the mechanism of the universe, and that’s why it’s embraced by the people of the mythical world who name it the New Horizons. Over time any form of invented culture is possible. All the great cultures of the mythical world ask the question, Senetha, Seicula, Homvia, Astactharain, Tor-Kee-Dorr, Ualvee-Uaila, and many others who are the outsiders. Race, religion, politics, or any human-invented concept is defined as a culture, what is called a culture changes ever less than a second. Cultures are based only on numbers. A culture that drastically changes every twenty years.
Foreigners have sometimes considered a traveler wandering the entire world, yet they are part of a culture, perhaps an individual one, that of the lone or group traveler. This doesn’t say that a traveler is an individual who is intolerantly never accepted by the traveler. A traveler is not a person to embrace everything; certain practices in cultures can’t be tolerated, and it would endanger the life of the traveler and even his or her health. In some cultures, alcohol is essential, which impedes the traveler’s health. To every group, there is a hypothesis, yet others consider it impractical. In our world, in the U.S. The Euro-centered culture, although the land is part of the Native Americans, and there are so many other cultures with nothing to do with Europe. The same applies to the nations of the mythical world. Any country that acknowledges all cultures, including new ones, is considered superior. The traveler’s culture, it’s a culture of its own, with variations of ways.
Because there are no media like the movie industry in the mythical world, there isn’t much stereotyping, or is there? Perhaps individuals are free from such constraints. The concept of movies does exist in the fictional world. There is no comparison between our world and the imaginary world; the legendary people are not medieval or modern people in our sense of defining the ages but of their standards, which they regard as a truth of their reality.
People make their homes anywhere; there are many abandoned cities and homes, and a traveler or anyone can make their home anywhere. In some ways, there is no such thing as nationality. In their dead cities, people gather together to organize for a short amount of time. A time the abandoned cities become vibrantly inhabited cities once again, merchants never seem to leave the towns; they continue. There are places of rest when wanderers come to stay that become temporary settlements, sometimes the size of a city.
In some regions, there are so many travelers and new settlements growing what has come is that the whole region had to be designated cities, although there may not be any buildings. The raw land isn’t empty. There are places where travelers settle down for a time. These small settlements eventually sprawl out, filling up with buildings and people, eventually connecting to distant villages; buildings continue being erected, covering the plains, and finally growing towards the cities, becoming part of them. What is a foreigner? In the mythical world, they may not be of any particular culture.
Robert J. Matsunaga