Capital Punishment in the Fantasy World

Punishment was transformed into dreams and nightmares that simulated extreme suffering; such tortures were embedded in the mind, and the person being punished themselves caused their torments with negative thoughts. There was no actual execution; that system had contained their minds in a physical and imaginary cube; in their mind, their thoughts forced them to believe that it was through a mind drug, not a physical one, but an incorporeal drug that created suggestions or mind control. It’s only the size of a very tiny room that contained a person in a sitting position, not enough to move around, it was more like a cube that was controlled by the thoughts of a prisoner within the limitations of their minds contained by the prison authorities, a guard limited and guided the thoughts of the prisoners keeping them in negative suffering, a landscape that went to a natural world horizon distances away was the complete world the prisoner lived in, it was only in their mind it was a landscape filled with depression. In a sense, prisons of the mind were kept in an endless number of apartments stacked on one another, but it was filled with physical negative feelings that tormented their bodies as punishment.

Our world never changes because it’s neither negative nor positive. It’s just as it is, without judgment or concept. It’s said the earth has changed over time, yes true are those our thoughts, the earth or time? Yes, through time, on a physical level, things change: attitudes, cultures, belief systems, clothing, architectural forms, technology, and everything else in life. That was the world, whether our own or in the mythical world. We punish ourselves through our opinions of what should and shouldn’t be. That was how another form of punishment was used in the mythical world. A chemical device existed that was used as mind control. The chemical itself was a creature that dictated thought; it created horrifying tormented visions in the prisoner’s thoughts to be perceived as the only thing that existed. Even if the prisoners tried to remember their former lives, there was always a struggle; the chemical won. Once time prison was up, the torments were removed from their thoughts.

Prison trees were places where prisoners were kept at an extreme height, so to keep them away from society, the leaves and branches never allowed them to leave. The branches grabbed onto the prisoner like arms; in a way, they acted as a guard. An invisible barrier surrounded the upper foliage of the tree where the prisoner was kept. The tree provided all the life needs for the prisoner including sometimes the necessary harsh physical punishment.

A circle of hell, a prisoner there suffered contemplating what he or she did; each wrong deed went over repeatedly many times over. It was where circles in large numbers had existed; prisoners who lived there had their circles, unaware of the others. Although there were no barriers, each could see the other from the point of view of an outside observer and not that of an insider.

In the prison of nowhere, a prisoner is alone, traveling on the surface of a pavement, sandy desert, or ocean. Food is provided, as it appears wherever the prisoner is in that vast place. Probably, there are other prisoners not aware of the others, they can’t see one another. Because each prisoner is contained in a cell-like world that extends from horizon to horizon without end, they are programmed to believe they are the only person in that world.
Perhaps there are thousands of prisons, and ways of punishment in this mythical world have been imagined.

Robert J. Matsunaga