Journey to a Fantasy Dream

I met a visitor from the future; I was told by others who had seen her that she was someone like the pope, a spiritual master. I asked her what language did she speak? She replied in English. I said why? Because I spoke the language and she knew all languages of the world, and her native way of speaking was Nuoalsei, she described it as the dream language of the dream world. That written language was vertically written, similar to Chinese. I saw a glimpse of her portrait; on the side, pictorial symbolic vertical written characters seemed to have resembled a cross between ancient Egyptian and Chinese.

Sononay appeared to be young tall, powerful, and majestic with the presence of the sun, commanding gaze, aristocratic aura, and golden brown skin that glowed from her inner core. While she sat down, she appeared tall. Her thin muscular body had a tendency to reveal its beautiful outlines through the outer garments that she wore. She wore a transparent, light, thin, flowing jacket underneath thicker clothing that was difficult to discern. Yet the garments were strong as they fluttered in the breeze even when there was none; her inner garments were like armor but light; she felt as if she was not wearing anything. On her left arm, she wore long armor-like sleeves, and on the right, a short one that exposed her arms and elaborate gloves on both hands. She held a staff that rippled out a power of light waves that ignored the universe’s physical laws; it was a kind of thought magic. When she received visitors, she stood with her other assistants; perhaps they were individuals who were influential in the spiritual or magical hierarchy. Her power came from a place that existed for centuries and was called the acorn, the core, or the sapling.

She was contained in her world or court that wasn’t bothered or influenced by time; in Sononay’s court, there was a change, but on its terms and with nothing to do with the outside world. Sononay’s mind controlled the weather and floating cubes, sometimes, they were on her terms, and the world was in its own opinion about what it wanted. It was a harmonious relationship, a kind of give and take, yet she was the commander of her realm. She conversed with the floating things asking them to do what was needed to make the domain more beautiful and a place to attend to the needs of people who wished to live there.

Some believed that Sononay was from the twenty-eight century, but that could have been true because she was not someone of the present world; she inhabited a parallel world similar to ours. Her thoughts enhanced the court; from the east window, there was rain; from the south, the sun was intense, yet with that, there was the window, as the coolness of the spring window was the passageway to different worlds and periods.

Sononay, as said by the people in the real mythical world, lived forever, her time probably was different, so it seemed it moved very slowly unless she had a very long period like the gods of heaven. Some who visited the court reported that she wouldn’t have been seen for extended periods; perhaps she was resting through suspended time. Her realm and court rarely gave up what was true or what wasn’t; it never mattered to most people who entered Sononay’s world because they believed it only to be a dream.

When an individual approached the court of Sononay, it was like any room, four sides, cube-like. Yet people there recalled it wasn’t; some had said it was more vertically rectangular, it was described as a sphere, and most saw the walls as white relief decorations, at other times colorful, whimsical designs or figures. There was nothing typical; in one description, there were open entryways, windows, ceilings held up without pillars, and views of the sky and ocean. Sononay’s world was what each person believed it to be. What was her court like in her eyes? Perhaps no one would know, it was said that the first impression of her court was accurate, but it didn’t exist; an individual would probably only see what she wished them to see. It must be remembered that she was the original or core of dreams.

Sononay was everything to people; she was an interpretation of what we wished her to be.

Robert J. Matsunaga