Globes of Meditation

Temples without locations, no buildings existed, and there was no property. An individual seated on what seems like water, calm or violent, mirroring the emotions of the person’s mind. A translucent globe encapsulates the meditator. Truth revealed through words, the universe or deity communes with the meditator imparting wisdom and tests to guarantee the resolution of the mediator. Globes are in the thousands floating in seas, reshaping light; the globes are never static, sailing and traveling in predetermined destinies. Itur encapsulated for years his globe was his home and world; there is nothing outside of it, and the globe is the solitary reality he requires. Self-absorbed? No. Eula people interact with one another; they recognize the globe each meditator originates from. They all meditate on a common point to explore and discover whether it is tangible. As stirring begins, did it happen before no collective memory of it occurred?

Itur awoke it’s revealed the experience of interacting physically with others in their globes and their experiences of feeling their bodies. In those globes, years had passed, and birth and death reincarnated to new individuals in their spheres until now. Is it an illusion? As eyes open wide, he’s conscious of other globes and meditators. He touched the rim; he questioned if it was impenetrable? He touched the rim; he asked if it was impenetrable? He explored by poking his finger on the edge. It felt like skin or jelly. Through experimental curiosity, Itur pushed out that there’s a barrier. After several tries, he imagined his finger burning through the edge of the globe. Finally, his finger reached the realm outside. A feeling of ecstasy came to him; the light surrounding the spheres was part of a larger world. As Itur’s mind searched, it discovered a reality beyond his of physical cities, lands, and oceans. Downward his mind plunged toward buildings in a small apartment. A person was looking up at him; Itur himself thinking of a globe of meditation. 

The Eula people lived in two places the physical and incorporeal worlds. They used the meditation globes to touch the two truths. Itur, like the others, spent years discovering reality. Meditation and physical reality during Itar’s realization entwined as a single whole complementing one another. What emerged were creations of almost magical facts. Eula society entered a new golden age.